Michele RimlThe Cull The Cull – *WORLD PREMIERE* The Arts Club (Vancouver, BC) September 24 – October 25, 2020 The Cull by Michele Riml and Michael St. John Smith September 24–October 25, 2020. WORLD…Marquis LiteraryJuly 7, 2019
Andrea ScottControlled Damage PAST EVENT: Controlled Damage *WORLD PREMIERE* – Neptune Theatre (Halifax, NS) February 4-23, 2020 Controlled Damage by Andrea Scott February 4-23, 2020. Neptune Studio Theatre, 1593 Argyle Street, Halifax,…Marquis LiteraryJune 20, 2011
Andrea ScottEvery Day She RoseNick Green PAST EVENT: Every Day She Rose – Nightwood Theatre at Buddies In Bad Times (Toronto, ON) November 24 – December 8, 2019 Every Day She Rose by Andrea Scott & Nick Green November 24 - December 8, 2019. A…Marquis LiteraryMay 11, 2011